Lets get crazzzzy and creative!
Scene No.2
Percussion // Bring the beat in
Each clip duration between 20 to 30 sec.- Shoot as many as you like, the more the merrier.
We would like to get some shots of yourself in your work habitat, in front of your laptop.
Listed down some things we do, show us what you do:
1. Get inspired
Shoot it in your work environment at home - anything that makes a sound on your work routine:
Computer keyboard tapping
Closing a laptop lid
Mouse clicking
Cracker bitten
Torn paper thrown in the trash
Riding your chair
Sharpening your pencil (do people still use these?)
Accidentally stepping on your cat's tail MEOW sound
Sipping loudly from your 5th dose of coffee or pen / pencil tapping on the mug.
And from your kitchen routine:
Espresso machine closing, water boiling on the stove, pouring, stirring, water tap, barking dog, toilet flush, light switch and anything else that comes to your mind... get creative! anything can be your instrument.
2. Shoot
Pro tips
For this one, extreme closeup and a medium shot is the way to go!
Oh! and the most important thing.. Improvise, Have fun, go crazy and enjoy yourselves!!!
3. Upload
One last and super important thing
Gather everyone around for the grand finalle, we really need you for this one!
In a seperate clip, record yourself:
1. Singing the phrase - DON'T BELIEVE ME JUST WATCH, but in your mother tongue.
2. Clap your hands to the beat of the song